Monday, June 9, 2008

Obama's running mate

I will be dreadfully disappointed if "Hillary" becomes Obama's running mate. Surely he realizes that a lot of his support voted for him because he isn't a Clinton or a bush; because he's new and not so tarnished by partisan infighting. If he takes on Hillary Clinton, he will pick up all of her negatives without really attracting all that many new voters. It would be a HUGE mistake for him.

While I'm talking politics, Florida and Michigan should have had no votes in the Democrat convention. They broke the rules and this is a PARTY affair wherein the party is choosing its nominee. If you want to participate in the party's choosing, you need to play by the party's rules. Obama did. He did not campaign in Michigan because of the party rules. Clinton, ever the opportunist, did. She and those states should not be rewarded for breaking the rules and Obama should not be punished for following them. It would have sent a clear message about the integrity of the Democrat party had Clinton had her delegates seated.

1 comment:

A Whole Can of Plot said...

I feel I should point out you are missing a capital letter.

Yes, I will be that person.