Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Shopping with Credit Cards

So, I ran by the grocery store today and got a bag of apples and a bag of bagels. At checkout the lady asked to signature verify my credit card. I have to dig it back out so she can take the card, glance at the back of it, and give it back to me. She did not ask for a photo ID. I got to thinking which is always my mistake and realized just how dumb this process is. First, the electronic signature devices produce signatures that look nothing like the one on the back of the card. In fact, the e-signatures often look nothing like writing. Second, last I checked, the people working the grocery store check-out lanes are not handwriting experts and would not know a forged signature if it came over and bit them. She is not qualified to verify anything. Third, and this is the kicker, for purchases under a certain dollar amount (which this one was), the grocery store does not require the purchaser to sign. So... what was she verifying against? The only thing this process verifies is that there is actually *some* signature on the back of the card. Of course, if there isn't, I can always sign it right then and there to make it valid. They can't really say anything about that, though granted it might then cause an ID check. Still, I think that if I were going to use a stolen card, I would look it over and if the back was unsigned, then I'd sign it before I tried using it. And if the back was signed, I'd practice that signature a few times.

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