Tuesday, May 20, 2008

ATTN Big Oil

The trend in the last year has been noticeable with big oil companies pulling in record profits and their stock values going up. I remember back when I was a geology major finding out that the cost of U.S. oil exploration was largely prohibitive given the cost of a gallon of gas.

Times have changed.

If the big oil companies are pulling in record profits, it behooves them to use that money to prepare for the lean times. I'd like to call on them now to do their oil searching within the U.S., when they have the money and the economics favor the searching. I'd also like to suggest that any oil company should realize that oil based fuels and transport are an industry with a finite end. If they want to stay in the transport business, they need to spend some time doing alternate energy production research. I call upon them to use this capital they suddenly have to fund that research. I suggest to them the idea of a filling station where I pull in, take the standard sized drained battery from my car and replace it with a fully charged battery provided by the OIL COMPANY station for a small fee. Zoom, away I go. Convenience of a fill up, just call it a battery station, not a gas station.

Big Oil, now is the time to invest in your future.

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