Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Being number two

On NPR today, they were interviewing Gale someone who seems to have written a book. I would assume that she is a feminist based on the topic and the questions. The host asked her if now that since in almost every college the number of women outnumber the number of men and women are 50% of the work force was feminism done?

She responded by saying it had changed and then launched out with this little gem: She observed that when there are two sexes, one will always be ahead in something and one behind. When the host asked, she concluded that it was okay to be in the top two.

Now, I understand that there is a difference in just being second and having everyone assume you are not as good and therefore second. However, saying basically that it is okay to be number two because someone has to do it, sounds distinctly contrary to the position espoused by most feminists for the last 90 years and especially the last 40 years. How would they have reacted if some male pundit on some radio show when asked why there were more men in the workplace, college, politics, etc. replied, "Someone has to be number two."

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