Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day is gone....

Day is gone. Gone the sun. But I have heat in my house, so all is not lost, just 4 hours and $600.00.

So while driving to and from the house to meet the heating/cooling repair guy, I got to listen to NPR. Some little gems I heard out of context:

Black men had the right to vote 40 years before women did. This was mentioned in the context of discussing Obama and Clinton. Go fig. In the same paragraph they mentioned Gloria Steinem. I didn’t catch the intro, so I can’t be sure what they are talking about, but if someone was arguing that people should vote for Clinton because women were more victimized longer than black men, that has to be one of the most stupid arguments I’ve heard in a long time. Well, maybe not that long.

What is wrong with this picture? Why is Obama’s black-ness or Clinton’s feminine-ness even a topic of conversation here? Do we think that someone will be a better President because they are black or female? That’s as silly as thinking the opposite. This is such a non-issue! Further, pandering to voters to vote for you because you are black, female, or an aardvark is politically irresponsible and candidate who pitch based on such bullshit reasons should lose ground, not gain it. Imagine the candidate who campaigned based on a pitch that: “Hi, I’m a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant man and you are a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant man so obviously I understand you better. You should vote for me because of it.” Where does that even begin to connect with policy, leadership, decision making, or any thing that matters in a President?

If only I ran the world.

All Primaries and Caucuses would happen at the same time and no one would hear a peep about who own until the results were in.

No one would vote for a candidate based on their race, gender, or religion.

No one would vote for a candidate based upon their stand on only a single issue.

Reporters and editors who cannot help but print stories about candidates race, creed, or religion would be subject to electroshock.

People in the left lane would not linger at the same speed as the car to their right when passing.

I could eat all the free chocolate cake I want without adverse consequence as a rward for winning a lebenty-leben-gigagillion in the lottery without having to buy a ticket. (This is fantasyland after all.)


CindaDance said...

"lebenty-leben-gigagillion"? Goodness, that's a lot. We could afford that trip in 2010 to Harry Potter's Wizarding Wonderland or whatever they are about to call it down in Orlando. Check out Universal's Islands of Adventure for more info.

Mul said...


You almost sound like marketing copy.