Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This is why Evil will win; because Democracy is dumb.

Florida has voted and I take back every nice thing I said about them yesterday.

Florida's election proves that the pundits who said, "You must do well in the early small states." are right. Small, early state victories, combined with Media coverage of "The Frontrunners" (said with a sort of a breathy lust) triumphs. Floridians shouldn't care what has happened in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina, or Nevada. Obviously, they just want to follow the pack.

I renew my call for a national Primary/Caucus date so that all states vote at the same time. I further call on the Press to restrain itself until all polls close as part of its civic duty to the democracy.

However, I expect the establishment to have too much of a vested interest in the status quo to even entertain these suggestions. Candidate can save $ by only having to campaign in a few states and the Media makes oodles of $ by having prolonged election coverage. What power does fairness or even common sense have against dollars?

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