Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby-Boomers of their word

I saw this on the BBC yesterday. My response is not suitable for children.

I was a bit outraged. It’s one thing to default on a loan because you can’t pay it. It’s another to default on a loan because you made a bad choice. Then I realized which generation we were talking about: the I shouldn’t have to be responsible for anything generation, the ME generation, the I-deserve-to-be-rescued-from-my-own-stupidity folks. You buy a house at an over inflated price. In a market that had experts warning that real estate was over-valued. And suddenly you should be able to just walk away and stick it to the folks who gave you the loan to do it? Stick to the man right? Stick it to BigBank. Jokes on them, right? Oh and stick it to their share holders. And their account holders. And the folks who work there. And the tax payers who will have to fund the bail-out. To quote John Travolta in Broken Arrow, “Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.” And after all, isn’t your asshole just that much more important than that of your fellow creatures? It’s great, you made a mistake and now you don’t have to live with it. It’s like getting into a car drunk, getting pulled over, and getting to blame the passenger for letting you drive.

Who selected the house, jack ass? You did. Who decided to buy it. You again, jack ass. And who should have to eat the consequences if the house falls in value?

Oh, it would have meant dipping into your retirement? Oh well you shouldn’t have to do that? Nope. Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, and never having to dip into your retirement account are your rights as an American. Absolutely. Your retirement is much more important than the salary of the bank employee who gets laid off. Why? Obviously because its yours and they are just a faceless bank person. We all know how much more important YOU are.

You selfish turd.

Now, I don’t have any sympathy for BigBank who got itself over extended. I hate BigBanks with a passion, I really do. And they are taking it on the chin because they were stupid to lend money in the first place for property that wasn’t worth it. They should have had the expertise, but instead they had greed. And now they are getting bent over and I revel in it.

Right up to the point where you decide the financially best thing to do is walk away and stick it to them when you don’t have to. Thousands of Americans are honest-to-God worried about HOW they will afford their next house payment. People are being evicted who NEED their houses and who got suckered into bad loans because they were stupid, ignorant, or uninformed. But you are just gonna walk away, not because you have to, but because you don’t want to have to make that payment that you could make. And in doing that you will damage the economy and make it even worse for all the others who don’t have your ability to choose. Aren’t you just a saint?

So here’s what I hope. I hope you end up not able to find a new place to live, having cast away your last one. I hope you end up with nowhere to live. I hope you end up living in a cardboard box, and a leaky one at that. Of course, you would probably think that someone should rescue you from that particular bad decision too. After all, it wasn’t your fault was it?

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