Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bayer aspirin

I saw a Bayer advertisement today. A woman told the story about how it was right before Christmas and she was in the store when she started to have a heart attack. She knew that dying over Christmas would ruin it for everyone, so she decided not to have a heart attack. Instead she pulled out and chewed a Bayer aspirin and that saved her life. The obvious conclusions:

1) Having a heart attack is a matter of choice. If you really don't want to have one badly enough, you can just will it not to happen. Of course, the obvious thing then is that anyone who has a heart attack was willing to or wanted to have it.

2) If you are having a heart attack, you just need to chew a Bayer aspirin and that will solve the problem. Who needs doctors.

So anyone want to buy some swampland in Florida?

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