Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Comment where no comment is allowed

The fiancee' posted this article to her blog. However, she does not seem to have comments turned on, so I'm posting my comment here. I suggest reading her article before reading my comment. I should also mention how happy I am to see her posting something of substance.

I believe that what Ms. finds objectionable is that these strong women are being made into jokes or somehow stereotyped. With the titanium vodka ad, I suspect they don't like the idea of the concept of trophy wife being used in a humorous context, for all the implication in the ad that beautiful can be strong. Admittedly, I don't see the Terminator ad as being a joke; far from it. Summer looks pretty bad-ass in the picture. (For those who don't know, Summar Glau played River Tamm in Firefly and Serenity.) I have no idea why they have a problem with her unless it's the fact she's naked. For discussion of that, I suggest reading Defending Pornography by Nadine Strassen, a previous President of the ACLU. All that said, I have to note that this sort of lack of humor and perspective is what I would expect from Ms. Magazine. I also suspect, sadly, that many of their editors and readers will vote in the Presidential Primary based on gender of the candidates alone.

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