Monday, February 4, 2008

Coulter, Clinton, and McCane

On NPR today, they were discussing Election ’08 (what else is new) and the commentator said the damndest thing. Apparently Ann Coulter, crazy right-wing wack-o, has said that if McCane wins the nomination, she’ll campaign for Hillary. That sounds like about her level of brain power too. Still, I now have a favorite Republican candidate, McCane! (Actually it might be spelled McCain?) I hope he wins because I want to see Ann Coulter and Hillary on the same stage; they deserve each other.

More importantly, I hope that inflames the moderate Republicans who have been putting up with the “my way or I quit” shit from the far right for decades. Two can play at this game, and I hope the religious right realizes how little chance they have of a national candidate without the moderate Republicans. Screw them. If Clinton wins her party and McCane wins his party, and the religious right ends up voting for Clinton, they will so get what they deserve. Of course they are good enough at deluding themselves that they will not realize they wet the bed they are lying in.

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