Monday, February 4, 2008

The House that Goldwater Built

In a different part of today’s NPR program, they played a speech by Romney where he was claiming to be the true heir and candidate for the “house that Reagan built.” I take issue with that. Reagan was not as conservative or mindlessly so as the candidates of the far right want to believe. And Reagan himself was the heir of the house that Goldwater built. And Goldwater is the guy who said in reference to homosexual military personal that it did not matter if they were straight so long as they shot straight. Goldwater is the guy who at the end of his life was completely at odds with the religious right. There is no way the far right or Romney is the heir of that legacy, for all Romney claims to advocate small government. (My observation is that the religious right’s idea of small government refers to fewer “democrat social programs” rather than the size of the government itself. They don’t seem to mind big government that forwards their agenda.) House that Reagan built indeed. Apparently, you have a different view of the house when you live down the block.

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